The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 06/09/2021 at 4:30PM. There will be a presentation on Fox Cities tourism figures that looks like it may be interesting. They’ll also receive an update on activities from the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce. They will also […]
Year: 2021
City Plan Commission Meeting 06/09/2021
The City Plan Commission is meeting 06/09/2021 at 3:30PM. The commission will be holding a public hearing and then voting on a request to rezone a section of land owned by Pathways Church to C-2 General Commercial District zoning. City staff is recommending the rezoning […]
Board Of Health Meeting On 06/09/2021
The Appleton Board of Health is meeting 06/08/2021 at 7am. The agenda is pretty light. They will be voting on whether to grant a noise variance to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church to host neighborhood movie nights over the summer. They’ll also receive a Covid-19 […]
Common Council Passes Knowles-Nelson Resolution After Making Minor Changes
During the 06/02/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council took up Resolution #8-R-21 the resolution in support of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10) asked if there had been any updates regarding what the state is planning to do with this? Mayor Woodford […]
Utilities Committee Meeting 06/08/2021
The Utilities Committee is meeting 06/08/2021 at 5PM The main action item is voting on an ordinance change that will “clarify under what circumstances triple valving will be required for new and redeveloped commercial properties.” Per the memo, this appears to apply to commercial properties […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 06/06/2021
Appleton has posted coronavirus numbers for 06/04/2021-06/06/2021. There were 5 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 3 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 2 to 40 and cases out of isolation increased by 6 to 8,725. Deaths remained unchanged at 65. Over the last week […]
Municipal Services Committee Meeting 06/07/2021
The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 06/07/2021 at 4:30 PM. There will be some public hearings regarding proposed street pavement projects, and the committee will be voting on some miscellaneous projects and changes including parking and traffic changes and the installation of a stop sign. […]
New Mural Going Up On Taste Of Thai Building
Picture from earlier today. A new mural going up on the side of the Taste of Thai building on College Avenue.
Recap Of May 2021 Transit Commission Meeting
The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 05/25/2021. They only had one action item which was to approve payments for April. There were no questions about any of them, and they were approved unanimously. The bulk of the meeting was taken up with informational reports The […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 06/03/2021
Coronavirus numbers for 06/03/2021. 1 new confirmed coronavirus case and 0 new probable cases. Active cases remained unchanged at 38. Cases out of isolation increased by 1 to 8,719. Deaths remained unchanged at 65.