After Appleton Common Council Asks That Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program Be Renewed For 10 Years At $70 Million Per Year, State Legislature Renews It For 4 Years At $33.2 Million Per Year

You may remember that back on 06/02/2021 the Common Council voted to approve Resolution #8-R-21 regarding the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. The resolution called for the program to be renewed for 10 years with an annual budget of $70 million. There had been some differing views among […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 07/14/2021 – Will Vote On Pay Changes For Election Workers, Creation Of Deputy Director Position For Health Department

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 07/14/2021 at 6:30PM. They’ll be voting on the Public Works HVAC position overhire that also came before the Municipal Services Committee. They’ll be considering and voting on a request to move election worker position to a […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/14/2021 – Agenda Full Of Alcohol Licenses

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/14/2021 at 5:30pm. They’ll be voting on 6 alcohol licenses, 1 pet store license, 6 temporary premise applications, and 5 temporary alcohol license applications. The temporary license applications do also include the ones that were held at the […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 07/14/2021 – Will Vote On Long Term Lease For Zuelke Building Development

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 07/14/2021 at 4:30PM. They have one item on their agenda and that is “Request to amend the Development Agreement for the Zuelke Project located at 103 W. College Avenue in Tax Increment Financing District No. 11 and […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 07/14/2021 – Will Vote On An Annexation Request

The City Plan Commission is meeting 07/14/2021 at 3:30 PM. They have three action items. (1) A special use permit for a restaurant with alcohol sales and service, (2) an annexation of M&J Weyenberg Properties, LLC, and (3) a request to combine two existing parcels […]

Library Board Meeting 07/14/2021 – Will Vote On Finance Policy And 2022 Operating Budget

The Appleton Library Board is meeting 07/14/2021 at 1PM. They will be voting on updates to the Library’s Finance Policy and on the Library’s 2022 operating budget. View full meeting details here:|&Search=

Alderpersons Firkus And Doran Introduce Resolution To Study Charging Appleton Properties A Quarterly Fee To Pay For Road Maintenance

At the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, Alderpersons Brad Firkus (District 3) and Chad Doran (District 15) introduced a resolution asking that money be included in the 2022 budget for “the Department of Public Works to work with a consulting firm to determine the feasibility of […]

Common Council Votes To Update Future Lease Contracts To Prevent The Display Of Political Signs On City-Owned Property

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council took up Resolution #5-R-21 regarding political signs on City-owned property. This resolution was submitted on April 7, 2021 by former Alderperson Kyle Lobner (District 13) in response to the display of campaign signs for current Alderperson Sheri […]