Common Council President Matt Reed Provides More Details On The Lifeguard Certification Issue

As you may recall, toward the end of July the city discovered that some of their lifeguards were not properly certified. I reached out to the city to find out how many lifeguards were affected and what caused the issue. I had also seen a […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Summit Street Reconstruction As Originally Proposed

On 08/09/2021 the Municipal Services Committee took up the issue of the proposed Summit Street reconstruction. As I posted about previously, the residents of that street are in a bit of a bind. Their street needs to have sewer and waterwork done because they still […]

Common Council Meeting 08/18/2021 – Will Receive Covid-19 Update, Vote On Electrical Code Updates, Discuss Health Officer Resolution, And Enter Closed Section To Deliberate On Bluff Site Development

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 08/18/2021. There will be a Covid-19 report. I would expect this report to touch on the number of breakthrough cases in people who have been fully vaccinated. That question had come up at the last Common Council meeting and […]