Expo Center Advisory Committee Receives Report On Expo Center – Discusses Paper Valley Hotel Becoming A Hilton, $63,000 Net Operating Loss

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority Exposition Center Advisory Committee met 09/07/2021. Linda Garvey from the Red Lion Paper Valley Hotel gave a report on how things are going for the hotel and expo center. In introducing her, Mayor Woodford mentioned that the Red Lion Paper Valley […]

Culturally Responsive Practices Implemented Without A Board Of Education Vote; Enacted Due To Achievement Gaps; Intended To Foster A Sense Of Belonging

[Update: Although Assistant Superintendent indicated to me that the Board of Education did not vote on implementing culturally responsive practices, he did, in an email to me on September 23, state that the Board of Education voted to implement these practices on 04/10/2017.] I do […]

AASD Continues To Find Covid Unpredictable; Cannot Say When District Will Stop Making Sudden Course Changes

I do have a slight update on the masking requirements at Appleton Area School District facilities. AASD’s position is that they have no legal responsibility to accommodate students with religious beliefs that preclude masking. The District is, however, offering medical exemptions, and Superintendent Judy Baseman, […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 09/08/2021 – Will Discuss Increasing Alderperson Salary

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 09/08/2021 at 6:30 PM. They have one information item which is the Recruitment Status Report. Of note is the fact that there is a background check pending on a top candidate for the Health Officer position. […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 09/08/2021 – Will Take Up Excess Vehicle Noise Resolution

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 09/08/2021 at 5:30 PM. They have 3 action items on the agenda—2 sets of alcohol license applications renewals and then Resolution #14-R-21 regarding excessive vehicle noise. If passed, the resolution would amend the noise section of Appleton’s Municipal […]

No End In Sight For City Of Appleton Masking Mandate

Right now, there are two main organizations in Appleton that have universal masking requirements within their facilities—the City of Appleton and the Appleton Area School District. As previously posted, AASD has declined to state what needs to happen before their masking requirement will be lifted. […]

Editing Error Led To Alderperson Being Incorrectly Listed As Resolution Sponsor

While I recognize that this isn’t a hugely important thing, I was curious as to how Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) was incorrectly listed as a co-sponsor of the Afghani Resettlement Resolution when he hadn’t even seen the text of the resolution yet. I reached […]