RiverTyme Bistro Withdraws Premise Amendment Application With Hopes Of Finalizing Repair Plans And Then Reapplying

Not everything that happens at committee meetings is earth-shattering, but the small things can still be informative as the public sees various city processes play out.

Back at the end of October, the Safety and Licensing Committee had taken up an application from RiverTyme Bistro for a permanent premise amendment that would have allowed them to offer outdoor seating and alcohol sales for that seating. Apparently, there are structural issues that have resulted in them having to close their patio, and, as a result of not being able to offer outdoor seating, their revenue has been cut in half.

City staff had been recommending denial of the application because their proposed expansion of the outdoor dining, whether or not they were serving alcohol, would lead them to be out of compliance with the municipal code regulations regarding the number of parking stalls businesses are required to have.

During the October 27th Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, the committee had voted to recommend that the premise amendment be approved contingent on whether the business was able to gain approval for their plans from all relevant departments.

This item came up before the Safety and Licensing Committee again during their 12/08/2021 meeting during which the committee members were informed that RiverTyme wished to withdraw their application for the premise amendment while they finalized their repair plans.

They planned to reapply at a later date, and Clerk Kami Lynch told the committee that the city would hold the fees the applicant had already paid until they reapplied.

[I thought it was nice that the fees already paid could be held for their updated application instead of just being lost.]

View full meeting details and video here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=896498&GUID=E818F0A6-EB51-438F-BF5F-5B21753EFFD7

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