Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 12/08/2021 – Will Vote On Salary Increases For Staff, Attendance And Travel Policy Changes

The Human Resources And Information Technology Committee is meeting 12/08/2021 at 6:30PM.

There are three salary related items on the agenda—a 1.25% pay increase for non-represented employees, a 1.25% increase in the seasonal salary schedule, and a request for a 2.5% across the board increase for all employees, excluding employees with an “inconsistent rating” until that rating is brought up to a consistent level which is then maintained for at least 90 days.

The committee will also be voting on (1) a request to eliminate the city’s current Attendance Policy and incorporate language into the Code of Conduct Policy and (2) a request to eliminate the current Travel Policy and replace it with TravelWise Guidelines.

The one information item on the agenda is the recruitment status report. Of note is the fact that it has been 6 months since the Health Officer position first became vacant and the search to find a candidate to fill that position appears to still be ongoing.

View full meeting details here:

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