The Finance Committee is meeting 11/22/2021 at 5:30PM.
The committee will be voting on two lighting project contracts and two change orders for existing contracts. They will also be voting on a request to approve the write-off of obsolete and no longer needed parts from inventory.
The committee will also be receiving a number of information items which include updates on the final payments for several projects.
I suspect that the item of most interest will be the Library Project Update. The Common Council did recently vote to, essentially, add $2 million in ARPA funding to the $26.4 million the city had already budgeted for the Library Project. The Mayor’s Office has since then issued a press release indicating that the total cost of the library is currently estimated to be $39 million but the taxpayer portion of the project remains set at $26.4. Additionally, 9 of the alderpersons responded to my email query regarding their stances on the Library Project’s budget.
Dean Gazza, the city’s Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Management, indicates in a memo to the Finance Committee that despite the estimated total project cost having increased to $39 million “as previously stated, the City of Appleton’s borrowing commitment to the project remains unchanged at $26.4 million”. He also states that if the total cost of the project exceeds the amount budgeted “the balance will need to come from other sources such as fundraising and/or grants.”
View full meeting details here:
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