ÂÂÂÂÂÂThe Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 11/22/2021. They will be holding a Board work session at 4PM and the Board meeting proper at 6PM
At the work session they will be reviewing the district’s 202-2021 state report cards.
Although AASD’s graduation rate as well as scores on key exams have shown decline for a number of years, AASD’s overall report card score has gone up.
Its student achievement score has, however, declined.
Additionally, the Department of Public Instruction changed some metrics on report cards this year and is urging caution when interpreting scores and ratings.
At the meeting proper, the Board consider several items that may be of particular interest to the public.
- They will be revisiting and voting on the in-school masking protocols. [One can only speculate as to what their decision will be in light of the fact that Covid cases are currently increasing both locally and state-wide.]
- They will also be forming an Ad Hoc Committee for Community Linkages. Board members Amanda Stuck and Deb Truyman touched briefly on this committee during the listening session they held on 11/17/2021
- They will be discussing the potential timeline for a referendum to borrow money to build a new school building. They hope to put the question before voters on November 8, 2022. [Putting a referendum on the ballot during a likely red wave year when area residents are already concerned about rampant inflation and the cost to taxpayers of the Library Project seems quite ballsy to me.]
View full work session details here: http://go.boarddocs.com/wi/aasd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=C8PKG851982E
View full meeting details here: http://go.boarddocs.com/wi/aasd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=C8EM3C562804
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