Alderpersons Meltzer And Schultz Introduce Honeybee Rescue Resolution At 11/17/2021 Common Council Meeting

During the 11/17/2021 Common Council meeting Alderpersons Vered Meltzer (District 2) and Alex Schultz (District 9) submitted Resolution #15-R-21, the Honeybee Rescue Resolution. If passed, this resolution would update the section of the city’s Municipal Code related to the keeping of bees. Currently city code […]

Common Council Meets 11/17/2021 – Votes On Lease Extensions For The Collective And Two Other Sculptures, Approves Polling Places For 2022, Approves Hiring Of New IT Director

The Appleton Common Council met 11/17/2021. At only 30 minutes long, it was one of the shorter Council meetings of the year. Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen provided a Covid-19 Update to the Council which I posted about yesterday. The council voted unanimously to approve […]