Coronavirus Numbers For 11/18/2021

Typically, the city of Appleton updates its Covid dashboard with the numbers that were recorded on the previous day. However, yesterday, 11/18, they never updated the dashboard with the numbers from 11/17. They did eventually put the 11/17 numbers up early on the morning of 11/19 and then in the afternoon updated it again with the numbers from 11/18. Rather than do two separate posts, I decided to just do one update.

On 11/18/2021 Appleton recorded 38 confirmed coronavirus cases and 20 probable cases. This was on top of the 50 confirmed and 25 probable they recorded for 11/17. From 11/16 to 11/18, active cases increased by 10 to 432 while cases out of isolation increased by 123 to 11,897. Deaths remained unchanged at 73.

Appleton’s current 7 day running average of confirmed cases is 45.86 and of confirmed and probable cases combined is 62. This compares to a 7-day running average on this day last year of confirmed cases only of 61.14. (Appleton did not start recording probable cases until 11/23/2020.) Appleton currently has 432 active cases as compared to 747 on this day last year. Last year between March 18 (the day of Appleton’s first recorded case) and November 18, Appleton recorded 35 deaths with/from coronavirus as compared to 10 during that same timeframe this year. (I have updated the chart I am using to show deaths, to, hopefully, more clearly illustrate the difference in deaths between last year and this year.)

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