Common Council Receives Covid-19 Update – Health Officer Has No Information On Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated Hospitalizations, Mayor Indicates There Are Currently No Operational Changes Planned In Response To Increasing Cases

The Common Council met 11/17/2021. As per usual, they received a Covid-19 Update from Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen. Health Officer Jensen reported that the city had a total of 350 cases the previous week which an increase of over 90 from the 257 the […]

Mayor’s Office Sends Out Press Release Indicating That Appleton Tax-Payers’ Portion Of The Library Project Remains Set At $26.4 Million

The Office of the Mayor has sent out a press release regarding the budget for the Library Project which reiterates that the taxpayer portion of the project remains set at $26.4 million. Per the press release, “the total building project cost is currently estimated at […]