Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 11/15/2021 – Will Vote On Variance Request To Remove Parking Requirements For Small Neighborhood Restaurant

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 11/15/2021 at 7PM.

They have one item on the agenda—a request to approve a variance that would allow a small restaurant to operate in a building that has no off-street parking and no way to install off-street parking. This variance is necessary because the Municipal Code requires restaurants to provide 1 off street parking space for every three people allowed per maximum capacity, which, in this case, means they would need to provide 10 parking spaces.

The business previously operated as a photography studio which was granted a variance in 2017 for this same off-street parking issue, and Inspections Supervisor Kurt Craanen has stated in his memo to the board that this new applicant has also met the review criteria for a variance “because there are no alternatives and the lot is exceptionally unique and small.”

View full meeting details here:

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