Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation At 11/03/2021 Common Council Meeting – “I hope that each of us can glory in this month’s times for remembrance and honor and thanksgiving, despite the impending doom—I mean, the winter ahead.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Hartzheim…I gotta fish for the mic. Which? That was close. Alderperson Hartzheim: Thank you, Chair. Here we are folks in the 11th month. How is it the 11th month already? The month of honor and remembrance […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 11/15/2021 – Will Vote On Variance Request To Remove Parking Requirements For Small Neighborhood Restaurant

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 11/15/2021 at 7PM. They have one item on the agenda—a request to approve a variance that would allow a small restaurant to operate in a building that has no off-street parking and no way to install off-street parking. […]