The Board of Health is meeting 11/10/2021 at 7AM.
Outside of approving the minutes for the previous meeting, the two action items are related to Weights and Measures.
During the October Board of Health meeting, they had discussed as information items a Weights and Measures fee increase proposal and a proposal from the City of Neenah to contract with the City of Appleton take over their weights and measures program. The proposed contract with Neenah had intentionally been an information item, but there had been some discussion as to whether the Board needed to vote on the proposed Weights and Measures fee increases and if they could vote on it since it was listed as an information item. The city attorney eventually recommended that if they needed to vote on it, they could bring it back to a future meeting as an action item. It would appear that they did need to vote on it and it has now been brought back as an action item.

The Board will also be receiving several information items. In addition to the Covid Update, they will be receiving the 3rd Quarter 2021 Report as well as the 3rd Quarter 2021 Budget Performance Review.
Outside of the over 33,000 Covid vaccine shots the Health Department has given this year, they have provided a total of 30 other shots spread out across the regular list of vaccines people typically get. 25 of those doses were given in this last quarter.

Additionally, they will be updated on the approved noise variance for the Turkey Trot on November 25, and the approved request for Appleton Downtown Inc to provide horse drawn wagon rides during the Light Up Appleton Event on November 20.

View full meeting details here:
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