Board Of Health Meeting 11/10/2021 – Will Vote On Weights And Measures Fee Increases And Proposal To Take Over Neenah’s Weights And Measures Program

The Board of Health is meeting 11/10/2021 at 7AM. Outside of approving the minutes for the previous meeting, the two action items are related to Weights and Measures. During the October Board of Health meeting, they had discussed as information items a Weights and Measures […]

Public Arts Committee Approves Lease Extensions For Three Sculptures – Gesture Of Conscience, To The Moon Alice, and The Collective

The Public Arts Committee met 11/03/2021. Amongst several things they took up lease extension requests for three Sculpture Valley sculptures currently located on public property—The Collective, Gyan/Gesture of Conscience, and To the Moon Alice. Alex Schultz, who is the alderperson for District 9, appeared in […]