Municipal Services Committee Meeting 11/08/2021 – Will Receive BIRD E-Scooter Presentation And Review Community Feedback, Vote On Food Truck Regulations And A Request To Create A “Parklet” Policy

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 11/08/2021 at 4:30PM. They will be receiving a presentation from a BIRD Scooter representative regarding the E-Scooter pilot program. There’s a funny split in how the safety of the electric scooters is viewed and it looks like there are […]

Common Council Approves Allocations For $6,891,841 In ARPA Funding

During the 11/03/2021 Appleton Common Council meeting, the Council members discussed and eventually approved the recommended 2021 allocations for the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds and approved the related 2021 budget amendment. Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) asked for the item to be separated […]