Parks And Recreation Committee Votes To Approve Mead Pool Condition Analysis Contract For $45,000

On 10/25/2021 the Parks and Recreation Committee voted to award the Mead Pool Condition Analysis Project to GRAEF for a contract amount of $44,975.00

There was a slight hiccup. Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) who is the vice-chair of the committee and was chairing the meeting that evening went straight to the vote. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) asked if Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation Tom Flick could speak a bit about the item.

Deputy Director Flick stated that it was time to take a detailed and thorough look at the physical state of the Mead Pool facility. They wanted to look below ground, above ground, at the wall structures, footings electrical, plumbing, accessibility, etc. As stated in the memo, the pool opened in 1962. The admissions building and bathhouse are original to 1962. The city has only done minor maintenance and some roof repairs and replacements over the year, which was fantastic and showed that the facility was built to last.

He stated that thirty years is the go-to number for when they needed to start planning for repair and replacement of an aquatic facility. Catastrophic issues could be expected any time after 30 years. The Erb facility made it almost 40 years, but it did experience catastrophic issues which was the catalyst for the construction of the current pool facility.

He said that the Mead Pool condition analysis project sprang from city staff trying to be proactive regarding maintenance and repair and do their due diligence to ensure that the Mead facility is safe and operable. The last thing they wanted was to have something happen that would require shutting down the pool in the middle of the summer. “This is the first step in a long process for the future of the Mead aquatic facility. We’re not foreseeing or planning for any major repairs or replacements in the next five years, but we are definitely looking to begin the process of what do we do in the next 5-10 years.”

Alderperson Van Zeeland said his explanation was helpful. She wanted she just wanted the public to understand this wasn’t a routine maintenance situation. This was situation where things have been working for a really long time, but the city needs to make sure [they can continue working].

Deputy Director Flick said they were hiring electrical engineers, structural engineers, and other people who could tell them the state of the facility so that the city can plan.

Alderperson Joe Prohaska (District 14) joked that he wanted to find out how built the facility originally and get them back when the city has to redo it. He thought they did an awesome job and you don’t find that anymore.

There were chuckles all around.

Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) wanted to comment because the pool is in his district. He drives by it almost every day in the summer and it is a highly used facility even in spite of the new Erb Pool opening with such a beautiful new facility. He definitely thought Mead a review and analysis of Mead was warranted and he supported the item.

The committee voted 5-0 to approve the awarding of the project.

View full meeting details and video here:

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