Octoberfest and License To Cruise Cancelled – Organizers Cite A Lack Of Volunteers, Vendors, and Transportation As Factors

Octoberfest and License To Cruise have been cancelled. The event organizers point to a number of factors that have lead to this decision… *Each year, nearly 1,000 volunteers play a critical role in being able to provide a family-friendly, safe, and enjoyable atmosphere for the […]

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim To Hold Press Conference At 5PM Today Outside Appleton School District Office – Plans To “Expose Misconduct And Illegal Actions Perpetrated By The District”

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) is holding a pressconference this evening, 09/13/2021, at 5PM outside the Appleton Area School District office in Appleton. She states in her press release that the purpose is to “expose misconduct and illegal actions perpetrated by the district.” She is […]

Board Of Education Meeting 09/13/2021 At 4PM and 6PM – Will Swear In New Members, Receive Covid-19 Report, Receive Report On Seclusions And Restraints During The Last School Year

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 09/13/2021. They will be holding a Work Session at 4PM and then the actual Board meeting at 6PM. During the work session they will be discussion proposed revisions to the annual work plan as well […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Refers Excess Vehicle Noise Resolution To Staff – Wants To Come Up With Ways To Combat Noise On College Avenue

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 09/08/2021. The main item on the agenda was Resolution 14-R-21 regarding excessive vehicle noise. Although they decided fairly early on that they wanted to refer the item to staff for more research and work, they still spent most of […]

Aerial Landscape by Rolph Westphal (Day 1 – Arts In Education Week)

Mayor Woodford has declared September 12-18 to be Arts In Education Week in Appleton, and has called “on all City residents to observe the week with appropriate activities.” I thought an appropriate activity to show appreciation for art would be to spend the week highlighting […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Votes To Recommend An 8.5% Alderperson Salary Increase Effective April 2023

I have not yet had an opportunity to listen to and recap the Human Resources and Information Technology Committee meeting that was held on 09/08/2021, but I did want to draw attention to the fact that the committee did discuss the Alderperson salaries and voted […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve Afghani Refugee Resolution

On 09/08/2021 the Community and Economic Development Committee took up Resolution #13-R-21 “Support for Resettlement of Afghanistan Parolees in Appleton”. It seems a little sad that, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 I’m posting a recap of a meeting focused on the resettlement of refugees […]