Coronavirus Numbers For 09/17-2021 – 09/19/2021

From 09/17-2021-09/19/2021 Appleton recorded 85 confirmed coronavirus cases and 37 probable. (The daily case count on the dashboard screenshot only shows the daily change in cases from 09/18-09/19 but if you look at the total number of cases the change from Friday to Monday was 85 confirmed and 37 probable.) Active cases rose by 48 to 248. Cases out of isolation increased by 74 to 9,784. Deaths remained unchanged at 68.

Appleton’s current 7-day running average of new confirmed cases is 26.86 and of confirmed and probable cases combined is 36.86. This compares to a 7-day running average of confirmed cases on this day last year of 32.86. (Appleton did not start recording probable cases until 11/23/2020.) Appleton currently has 248 active cases as compared to 283 last year. Last year between March 18 (the day of Appleton’s first recorded case) and September 19, 8 Appleton residents died with/from coronavirus as compared to 5 people during that same time frame this year.

Over the last week, Appleton recorded 188 total confirmed cases and 70 probable cases for a combined total of 258. The week before that we had 89 confirmed cases and 58 probable cases for a combined total of 147. This places our two week burden per/100,000 people at 369 if calculated using only confirmed cases and 540 if probable cases are included. Both of these numbers fall into the “Very High” burden category.

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