Superintendent Baseman Provides Clarification On Accomodations Available To Members Of The Public Wishing To Speak At Board Of Education Meetings

As you no doubt recall, Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) and several other parents sought to give in-person public comments at the 09/13/2021 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting and were denied entry when they declined to wear masks. During the interaction between […]

Mayor Proclaims September 15 – October 15 To Be Hispanic Heritage Month In Appleton

During the 09/15/2021 Common Council meeting Mayor Woodford noted that on Saturday, 09/11/2021, he had attended an event at Pierce Park where he had presented the Hispanic Heritage Month proclamation. In other years, this would have been Latinofest, but this year Casa Hispana reimagined it […]

The Collective, Spectacular Sculptures, And The Collective’s Better Looking Sibling (Day 7 – Arts In Education Week)

Today is day 7, the final day, of Arts In Education Week here in Appleton as proclaimed by Mayor Woodford and what better way to celebrate by featuring Appleton’s most famous sculpture, “The Collective” by Paul Bobrowitz. It seemed particularly important for me to highlight […]

In A Normal Year, Before The Pandemic, Between 33% and 50% Of AASD High School Students Received At Least One D Or One F On Their Report Card Depending On The School They Attended

Back on July 10, I posted about the number of high schoolers who received at least one D or one F during the 2020-21 school year. I specifically included Ds and not just Fs because I thought it would give a fuller picture of the […]