Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Votes To Recommend An 8.5% Alderperson Salary Increase Effective April 2023

I have not yet had an opportunity to listen to and recap the Human Resources and Information Technology Committee meeting that was held on 09/08/2021, but I did want to draw attention to the fact that the committee did discuss the Alderperson salaries and voted on a recommendation to send to the Common Council for a vote on 09/15/2021.

The current alderperson salary is $6,221.44 per year not including an annual parking pass.

Per the minutes of the meeting, there was an initial proposal to increase the Alderperson salary by 5% which would have raised it by $311.10 to $6,532.51 per year.

Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) seconded by Alderperson Kristin Alfheim (District 11) made a motion to amend the item to read “Effective April 2023 increase Alderperson salary to $7,000 with Council President to receive $8,000 and vice-president to receive $7,500”. That would have been a $779, 12.5% increase in salary for the regular alderpersons, a $1,279, 20.6% increase for the Council Vice President, and a $1,779, 28.6% increase for the Council President. This motion, however, failed with none of the committee members voting for it.

Alderperson Fenton, seconded by Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10), then made a motion to, effective April 2023, increase the Alderperson salary by $529 to $6,750. This works out to an 8.5% salary increase.

The Common Council will be voting on this recommendation this coming Wednesday, September 15, 2021.

View full Human Resources and Information Technology Committee meeting details and video here:

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