Coronavirus Numbers For 09/06/2021

On 09/06/2021 Appleton recorded 1 confirmed coronavirus case and 7 probable cases. Active cases rose by 8 to 230. Cases out of isolation remained unchanged at 9,406. Deaths remained unchanged at 67.

Our current 7-day running average of new confirmed cases is 14.29. Our running average of confirmed and probable cases combined is 22.29. This compares to last year’s 7-day running average of confirmed cases on this day of 17.57. I’ve gone back and forth a little in mind mind as to how to present the year to year comparison. On 11/23/2020 Appleton started including probable cases in their case counts; prior to that they only reported confirmed cases. I have been showing this years confirmed and probable cases and comparing them to last’s year’s case count which, at this point, only includes confirmed cases, so it’s not necessarily the best comparison. I did decide to throw together a graph comparing only confirmed cases to confirmed cases, and that graph shows us as being right around the place where we were last year.

Appleton currently has 230 active cases as compared to 238 on this day last year. Between March 18 (the day Appleton recorded it’s first coronavirus case) and September 6 of 2020 Appleton recorded 8 deaths with/from coronavirus. On this year during that same timeframe, we have recorded only 4 deaths.

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