Coronavirus Numbers For 09/03/2021-09/05/2021

We’ll have two coronavirus case updates for today because either the case count wasn’t updated yesterday due to the Labor Day holiday or they were updated later than usual and I missed it.

The first update is for the cases over the weekend from 09/03/2021 through 09/05/2021. Appleton recorded 43 confirmed coronavirus cases and 11 probable cases. Active cases rose by 21 to 222. Cases out of isolation increase by 33 to 9,406. Deaths remained unchanged at 67.

Our current 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases stands at 24.57. Our 7-day running average of confirmed cases only is 16. This compares to a 7 day-running average of confirmed cases last year on this day of 17.28. (Appleton did not start tracking probable cases until 11/23/2020.) We currently have 222 active cases as compared to 224 active cases last year.

Over the last week Appleton recorded 112 total confirmed cases and 60 total probable cases for a combined total of 172. Last week we had 108 total confirmed cases and 160 confirmed and probable cases. That causes Appleton’s 2-week burden per 100,000 people to work out to 293 when calculated using only confirmed cases and 443 when calculated using both confirmed and probable cases. 293 calls into the “High” burden category and 443 is the “Very High” category.

Since Appleton’s first recorded coronavirus case on March 18, 2020, 12.93% of Appleton residents are known to have had either a confirmed or probable case of coronavirus. 0.09% of Appleton residents have died with/from coronavirus. 87.07% of Appleton residents have either not had coronavirus or have not needed to seek testing if they have become sick with coronavirus.

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