Director Vandehey Confirms Appleton’s Fire Hydrants Are Painted To Indicate Flow Rate

During the 07/28/2021 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, the Fire Department’s Chief Jeremy Hansen told the committee that although there is a nationally recognized color coding scheme for fire hydrant flow to indicate the water flow rate, the city of Appleton does not do that […]

Mayor Woodford Gives Update On Process For Allocating Appleton’s American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) Grant Dollars

During the 08/04/2021 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford reviewed the allocation process for the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds that the city has received. As a part of ARPA, municipalities received direct allocations of funds which the mayor stated was an unprecedented step on […]

Common Council Approves Coolidge Court Rezoning After Holding It For Two Weeks To Give Neighbors Chance To Make Public Comment

On 08/04/2021 the Common Council took up the request to rezone a parcel on Coolidge Court. The rezoning was being sought because the current zoning locked the developer into a very specific site and building layout that would have been appropriate in 1985 when the […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 08/11/2021 – Will Vote On Change To HRA Administrator And Receive Information On Process For Hiring New Health Officer

The Human Resources And Information Technology Committee is meeting 08/11/2021 at 6:30PM. They’ll be voting on a request to modify the Police Department’s table of organization (which the Safety and Licensing committee will be receiving as an information item), a couple requests to over hire […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Amendment Clarifying What Electrical Work Can And Cannot Be Performed By Homeowners

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/09/2021 and took up item 21-0873 which was a request to approve an update to Municipal Code Section 4-392 related to electrical work by a home owner. Essentially, this change would update the Municipal Code to make it clear that, […]