Municipal Services Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve Updated Scavenging Resolution – Will Allow The Scavenging Of Bulky Overflow Items

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/23/2021 and took up Resolution 10-R-21 which was related to the scavenging of solid waste.

The committee had discussed this during their August 9th meeting during which they seemed to reach a general consensus that they liked the idea of people being able to pick up bulky overflow items from the curb but did not want them going through the trash and recycle bins. The committee then voted to refer the item to city staff to work on appropriate language to accomplish what they wanted.

The item then came back before this committee on August 23 for a final vote.

Director of Public Works Paula Vandehey explained to the committee that, following the feedback they received during the previous committee meeting, she and Assistant City Attorney Amanda Abshire met and put together proposed language for an ordinance that they felt reflected what the committee was looking for.

Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) agreed that it reflected what the committee wanted and said that Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10), the sponsor of the resolution, had indicated via email that he approved of the modified version.

Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) wanted to confirm that the language that said “city or county refuse collection personnel” was sufficient because a private contractor picks up city recycling instead of a direct city or county employee. He thought it might just be a semantic issue but wanted to double check.

Director Vandehey said that she and Attorney Abshire had felt that when the ordinance talked about the city or county it was also referencing anyone that was representing those entities through a contracted service.

Alderperson Doran was satisfied with that answer.

Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) thanked the attorney’s office and city staff for making this change. When her constituents saw the original resolution, they were really concerned that it might result in wholesale picking through the garbage and recycle containers. She thought this was a wonderful compromise and was pleased to support this change.

Alderperson Firkus also expressed his appreciation and wanted to confirm his understanding of what would happen if this ordinance was passed. In a situation where a resident put out more than two bulky overflow items in the hopes that they would get scavenged but they did not end up getting picked up and more than two bulky overflow items were left on the curb when the garbage truck came around, his understanding was that the city trash collectors would only take two items and then leave a reminder notice letting the resident know that no more than two items were supposed to be left out for collection.

Director Vandehey confirmed that was correct.

The committee members had no further questions and the updated language was approved 4-0.

View full meeting details and video here:|&Search=

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