City Plan Commission Meeting 08/25/2021 – Will Vote On Approving A Plat For Trail View Estates And Approving The Downtown Business Improvement District 2022 Operating Plan

Appleton’s City Plan Commission is meeting 08/25/2021 at 3:30PM. They have no informational items and only two action items. Action item 1 is a request to approve a plat for Trail View Estates. Action item 2 is the “annual review and request to approve the […]

Utilities Committee Meeting 08/24/2021 – Will Vote On A Storm Water Consulting Services Contract And A Biosolids Transportation, Application, And Incorporation Contract

The Utilities Committee is meeting later today, 08/24/2021, at 5PM. It has two action items on the agenda… (1) Awarding a stormwater consulting services contract for Apple Creek Road/Haymeadow Avenue The main things the contractor would be doing is preparing “an independent drainage study that […]

Transit Commission Meeting 08/24/2021 – Will Vote On Northern Winnebago Dial-A-Ride Contract And Review Financial and Ridership Reports

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 08/24/2021 at 3PM. Outside of the monthly approval of payments, the only other action item is a request to aware the Northern Winnebago Dial-A-Ride contract to Running Inc. Although Running Inc’s per ride rate was higher than the […]