Coronavirus Numbers For 08/20/2021-08/22/2021

From 08/20/2021 to 08/22/2021 Appleton recorded 35 confirmed coronavirus cases and 21 probable cases. Active cases rose by 44 to 246. Cases out of isolation increased by 12 to 9,052. Deaths remained unchanged at 65 for the 110th day in a row. We’ll see if we make it to a full 4 months.

Appleton’s 7-day running average of new cases is currently 22.14 as compared to 6.71 on this day last year. We currently have 246 active cases as compared to 220 on this day last year. Deaths still comparably remain quite low between this year and last year. Last year between March 18 and August 22 Appleton had a total of 7 deaths, whereas this year we’ve only had 2 during that same timeframe.

Over the last week, Appleton had a total of 81 confirmed cases and 74 probable cases for a combined total of 155. This makes our two week burden 255 if calculated using only confirmed cases or 407 if including probable cases. That would place us in either the High or the Very High burden category.

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