Coronavirus Numbers For 08/13/2021-08/15/2021

On 08/15/2021 Appleton recorded 64 confirmed coronavirus cases and 24 probable cases. Active cases rose by 81 to 190. Cases out of isolation increased by 7 to 8,593. For the 103rd day in a row, deaths remained unchanged at 65.

As you may recall, on Friday when they reported Thursday’s numbers, those numbers were listed as only including 2 confirmed cases. I called the Appleton Health Department this morning and the lady I spoke with did indicated that, although that case count did accurately reflect the numbers that the state had provided for the city, the state had been having issues reporting numbers that day. When they received Friday’s numbers, they were listed as being 51, which she suspected included unreported numbers from Thursday.

At any rate, we did see a pretty sizeable jump in cases and the 7-day running average. Last year on this day, our 7 day running average was 7, whereas this year it’s 21.43. Last year on this day we had 198 active cases, compared to 190 cases this year. Active cases had been quite a bit lower this year compared to last year, but they jumped up by 81 over the weekend and now are almost level with where they were last year. Deaths, however, remain quite a bit lower this year compared to last year. Between March 18 and August 15 we’ve only had 2 deaths this year as compared to 6 deaths during the same timeframe last year.

Over the last week, we had a total of 110 confirmed cases and 40 probable cases which adds up to a combined total of 150. That makes our 2 week burden calculate out to 223 when using only confirmed cases or 291 when including probable cases, both of which are in the “High” category. [For what it’s worth, I am very curious to know if the Mile of Music festival, which ended a week ago, has played any role in the number of cases we are now seeing.]

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