Common Council Meeting 08/18/2021 – Will Receive Covid-19 Update, Vote On Electrical Code Updates, Discuss Health Officer Resolution, And Enter Closed Section To Deliberate On Bluff Site Development

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 08/18/2021.

There will be a Covid-19 report. I would expect this report to touch on the number of breakthrough cases in people who have been fully vaccinated. That question had come up at the last Common Council meeting and Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen had said she would get those numbers from the state. The Post Crescent has reported that in the first two weeks of August, 23% of Fox Valley coronavirus cases occurred in people who were vaccinated.

The Council will also be voting on an update to the city’s Municipal Code that will clarify what work homeowners are allowed to do and a licensed electrician needs to perform. This language will make clear that a licensed electrician needs to install electrical service, but homeowners are allowed to install systems that are not utility interactive—so essentially emergency backup generators that are often solar or wind powered.

The Council will also be voting on whether to approve a development agreement with Merge LLC for a mixed-use development on the site where the old Conway Hotel was located between the Library and the City Center.

Also on the agenda is Resolution 12-R-21 related to the hiring of a Health Officer. This resolution was amended heavily by the Board of Health. ( Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13), one of the resolution’s co-sponsors, has stated on her aldermanic blog that, “The Board essentially gutted the original resolution and amended it to have a completely new and different meaning than the original resolution presented.  As such, I can’t vote for the resolution as amended.  It no longer says what the writers (including me) intended.” Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) who is another co-sponsor, told Action 2 New that the resolution would be withdrawn.

Finally, the Council will be meeting in closed session regarding the bluff site development. Per state law, they are allowed to meet in closed session “for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.”

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