Common Council Votes To Allow Pole Buildings On Residential Properties With No Specific Limitations

There was a very quiet end to the saga of whether or not to allow Appleton homeowners to erect pole buildings as accessory structures on their property.

The Municipal Services committee had initially voted to recommend that pole buildings on residential properties be banned in Appleton. Alderperson Joe Prohaska (District 14), however, voted against that recommendation because pole building can be constructed to look just like normal residential buildings and cost a third of the price of traditionally garages. The item was referred back to the committee by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15). At that second committee meeting, staff presented a proposal to allow pole buildings on residential properties as long as they were no larger than 200 square feet. The committee, however, after taking into account the cost value of pole buildings and their environmentally friendly aspects as well as the issues surrounding trying to regulate the aesthetics of a structure, ended up deciding to allow pole buildings to continue to be erected on residential properties in Appleton and opted to place no limitations on them other than what is already in the Municipal Code for any accessory structure.

During the 08/04/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council did not separate the item out for an individual discussion and vote but did approve it along with all of the agenda items that were not separated out. So, going forward, Appleton residents will continue to be able to erect pole buildings on their property should they so desire.

View full Common Council meeting details and video here:|&Search=

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