Coronavirus Numbers For 08/06/2021-08/08/2021

From 08/06/2021-08/08/2021 Appleton recorded 20 confirmed coronavirus cases and 3 probable cases. Active cases rose by 18 to 85. Cases out of isolation increased by 5 to 8,908. For the 96th day in a row, deaths remained unchanged at 65.

Over the course of the last week we had a total of 57 confirmed cases and 11 probable for a combined total of 68. That makes our two week burden 149 if calculated using only confirmed cases or 184 if calculated using both confirmed and probable. Both of those numbers are in the “High” category.

Our current 7-day running average of new cases is 9.71 which is very close to the 9.43 it was on this day last year. This year we currently have 85 active cases as compared to 183 active cases last year. This year from March 18 (the day Appleton had its first case) until August 6, Appleton has had 2 deaths with/from coronavirus as compared to last year when we had 6 deaths during that time frame.

Finally, I’ve included a graph showing Appleton’s total population of 75,000. Thus far 12.1% of Appleton’s residents are known to have had a confirmed or probable case of coronavirus and either have died, are still active, or have recovered. The remaining 87.9% of the city’s residents either have not had coronavirus or have not needed to be tested.

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