After Voting To Make In-School Masking Optional, Board Of Education Receives Public Comment Asking To Mandate Masks; Superintendent Baseman Suggests That Any Change In Course Will Be Announced At 08/23/2021 Board Of Education Meeting

During the 08/09/2021 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting, 10 people made public comments, all of them regarding masking for the upcoming school year. 9 of them asked for the District to change its plans for masking to be optional and instead require […]

No Response From AASD Regarding The Impetus For Implementing Culturally Competent Practices Or The Metrics By Which Their Success Is Judged

As I posted a couple of weeks ago, the Appleton Area School District, under the guidance of Doctor Sharroky Hollie, engages in what they termed “culturally competent practices”. Assistant Superintendent Steve Harrison gave an overview of these practices and explained, “Rather than this being a […]