Coronavirus Numbers For 08/04/2021

On 08/04/2021 Appleton recorded 16 confirmed coronavirus cases and 3 probable cases. Active cases rose by 13 to 79. Cases out of isolation increased by 3 to 8,880. Deaths remained unchanged at 65 for the 92nd day in a row.

Appleton has introduced a new number on their dashboard indicating the total number of new cases per 100,000 people over the last 7 days. That number is currently 93.3, and any number between 50 and 99.99 is considered a “substantial” transmission rate.

In spite of the substantial transmission rate, per the Wisconsin Hospital Association’s website, there are currently only 11 people in the entire 8 county Fox Valley HERC region who are hospitalized with coronavirus, and, as mentioned, Appleton has not seen a coronavirus related death in 92 days.

Our 7 day running average of daily new cases currently stands at 10.86. On this day last year, the 7 day running average was 9.57. Active cases this year is 79 compared to last year on this day when there were 151.

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