Interim Health Officer Reports Over 98% Of Covid Cases Since January Have Been In People Who Are Not Fully Vaccinated; Is Working To Get Appleton Specific Numbers

With coronavirus cases increasing in Appleton (as well as throughout the state) and obvious question is how many of those cases are in fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated people. I reached out to Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen and asked her if they ask […]

Appleton Requires Masks Inside City Run Facilities; Mandate Not Extended Beyond City Owned Facilities

The City of Appleton has reinstituted a requirement that masks be worn inside city-owned facilities. This does not extend to businesses or anything beyond city-owned facilities. Alderperson Kristin Alfheim (District 11) posted publicly with a behind the scenes look at the actions taken last night […]

Board Of Building Inspection Approves Variance For Non-Conforming Landing

The Board of Building Inspection met 08/02/2021 and took up the request for a variance by a homeowner for a non-conforming staircase landing. Inspections Supervisor Kurt Craanen explained that this was for an existing staircase. The landing needs to be 36″ wide so that people […]