Coronavirus Numbers For 07/23/2021-07/25/2021

Over 07/23/2021-07/25/2021 Appleton recorded 13 confirmed coronavirus cases and 7 probable cases for a combined total of 20. Active cases actually dropped by 4 to 23. Cases out of isolation increased by 24 to 8,832. Deaths remained unchanged at 65.

Over the last week we had 25 confirmed cases and 17 probable for a combined total of 42. This puts our two week burden at 71 for both confirmed and probable cases (which would be the “Moderately High” category) or 45 if calculated using only confirmed cases (which would be the “moderate” category).Compared to last year, cases are down considerably. Last year at this time we had 84 total confirmed cases for the entire week (this was prior to when Appleton started tracking probable cases) vs only 25 confirmed cases or 42 confirmed and probable this year. Last year the burden was 173 vs the 71 or 45 of this year.

Last year on this day we had 163 active cases vs 23 this year.

Last year we had a daily new cases 7-day running average of 12.7 vs only 6 this year.

Last year we had had 5 deaths at this point. This year we’ve only had 2.

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