Finance Committee Meeting 07/26/2022 – Will Vote On Transportation Study Resolution And Excess Fund Balance Allocations

The Finance Committee is meeting 07/26/2021 at 5:30 PM.

The big item on the agenda is probably the Allocation Of Excess Funds Balance that was referred back to the committee during the 07/21/2021 Common Council meeting. Alderperson Chad Doran, with the support of Mayor Woodford, had wanted to amend the item to provide funding for a transportation utility feasibility study. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) had wanted it reviewed by a committee before such a change was made.

In addition to that, the committee will be listening to the Appleton Yacht Club’s financial report.

They’ll be voting on awarding the 2021 Water Treatment Facility Fire Alarm project to Faith Technologies for a little over $51,000.

A parking lot reconstruction project ran into issues so the committee will be voting on increasing the contract amount by nearly $11,000.

The city has also been awarded a $500,000 grant to construct a pickleball court at Telulah Park, so the committee will be reviewing and voting on that.

Their final action item is voting on Riverside Cemetery’s request for payment for the maintenance of veterans’ graves.

They will also be receiving mid-year reports from Finance, Legal Services, Risk Management, and Parks, Recreation and Facilities. These will be information items and not things that are voted on.

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