Board Of Education Meeting 07/26/2021 – Will Vote On Covid-19 Mitigation Strategies For Upcoming School Year, Begin Process To Fill Vacancy Left By Gary Jahnke’s Resignation

The Appleton Area School District is holding two meetings on 07/26/2021. The first is a work session at 4pm that appears to be focused on updating the district’s financial policies.

For ease of review by the public, I’ve taken the agenda and all of the attached documents and combined them into a single download similar to the agenda packets that the City of Appleton provides for its committee and Council meetings.

The second meeting, and the main event, is the official Board of Education meeting at 6pm. As with the work session, I have combined the agenda and available documents into one consolidated PDF download.

This meeting promises to be of particular interest to the parents of AASD students. The administrative team will be presenting a report on recommended Covid-19 mitigation protocols for the 2021-22 school year which the Board will then vote on. This item would appear to be the item that determines whether masks will definitively be required during the upcoming school or whether the door will be left open to implement masking under some circumstances.

[AASD has not typically attached these types of reports to the agenda ahead of time, which has always struck me as odd. It is one of the several ways in which the Board of Education’s processes are opaque and deficient, from a public access standpoint, in comparison to the City of Appleton’s generally much more open and accessible processes. In the City of Appleton, there would be approximately a 0% chance that an item of this nature would get on the agenda without the corresponding report being attached and accessible to the public for review ahead of the meeting. This is of particular importance for this specific item and this specific meeting because…]

This is the first Board of Education meeting at which members of the public will be able to make in-person public comment. Members of the public can register for that here:

Outside of the item regarding mitigation strategies for the upcoming year, the other big item of interest on the agenda is the fact that the Board will be starting the process to fill the seat left by departing Board member Gary Jahnke who has submitted his resignation effective July 31.

The vacancy should, ideally, be filled within 60 days and whoever takes over that seat will serve until the next Board of Education election in 2022.

View full Board of Education meeting details here:
View full Board of Education work session details here:

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