Recap Of 07/14/2021 Safety And Licensing Committee – Denial Of Mr. Taco’s Liquor License Application, Mid-Year Reports From Police And Legal Services

The Safety and Licensing Committee met on 07/14/2021. It was a relatively short meeting, not quite 20 minutes long. The first item they took up was the liquor license application for Los Amigos, LLC, doing business as Mr. Taco Chief Thomas said that the memo […]

Mayor To Present Two Proclamations – Parks and Recreation Month and Children’s Week In Appleton

Tonight at the 07/21/2021 Common Council meeting, Mayor Jake Woodford will be presenting two proclamations. In the first, he proclaims the month of July 2021 to be Parks and Recreation Month in Appleton and urges “all citizens to join with other communitites in recognizing that […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Approve The Department Of Public Works Modified Operations Plan; Does Not Amend It Although Some Alderpersons Mull Changes

On 07/12/2021 the Municipal Services Committee discussed and voted on the Department of Public Works’ modified operation plan which will go into effective April 1, 2022. This item had already been before the committee as an information item, so Public Works Director Paula Vandehey did […]