Common Council Meeting 07/21/2021 – Will Vote On Issuing Bonds, The Allocation Of Over $5 Million General Fund Dollars, And Possibly A Transportation Utility Study

The Common Council is meeting 07/21/2021 at 7PM. The Mayor will be presenting two proclamations, appointing two people to the Library Board, and recommending that current Deputy Human Resources Director Jay Ratchman who is currently serving as the interim director be hired to serve as […]

Finance Committee Holding Special Meeting 07/21/2021 – Will Vote On Resolutions Authorizing Issuance Of Bonds And Promissory Notes

The Finance Comittee is holding a special meeting on 07/21/2021 at 6:30PM ahead of the Common Council at 7PM. This is related to the bonds that the city is planning to issue. If I correctly understood the presentation that Brad Viegut gave to the Finance […]

City Finance Committee Approves Mayor’s Recommendations For Allocating The City’s $5.115 Million Excess General Fund Balance

The City Finance Committee met 07/12/2021 and took up two related items: Resolution #8-R-20 related to a city Brand Study and action item 21-0946 which was Mayor Woodford’s allocation of the city’s $5,115,000 excess General Fund balance. Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) asked Mayor Woodford […]