Board Of Zoning Appeal Meeting 07/19/2021 – Will Consider A Zoning Variance To Allow A Business To Not Provide Off Street Parking

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 07/19/2021 at 7pm.

The one item on the agenda is a request regarding the property located on the corner of N. Bateman Street and E. Atlantic Street. The property used to house Fox Valley Church of Christ.

John made an offer on the building and wants to use it as a non-profit facility that will host educational workshops, classes, and small photoshoots for artists and up and coming photographers to learn and perfect their craft. Unfortunately, the site has no off street parking and no space to build off street parking. At the same time, city code requires that a business of this nature provides 5 off street parking spots.

City staff is recommending John be granted the variance to not be held to that requirement, so I wouldn’t expect the Board to vote against it. If for some reason they didn’t grant the variance, John has indicated he’d have to walk away from that location and possibly the project as a whole.

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