Common Council Approves Resolution And Code Changes Allowing For The Construction Of Accessory Dwelling Units In Appleton

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, the alderpersons took up the resolution and proposed changes to the Municipal Code related to allowing Accessory Dwelling Units to be built in Appleton. One member of the public appeared and made public comment on this issue. Rhonda said […]

After Appleton Common Council Asks That Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program Be Renewed For 10 Years At $70 Million Per Year, State Legislature Renews It For 4 Years At $33.2 Million Per Year

You may remember that back on 06/02/2021 the Common Council voted to approve Resolution #8-R-21 regarding the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. The resolution called for the program to be renewed for 10 years with an annual budget of $70 million. There had been some differing views among […]