Common Council Votes To Update Future Lease Contracts To Prevent The Display Of Political Signs On City-Owned Property

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council took up Resolution #5-R-21 regarding political signs on City-owned property. This resolution was submitted on April 7, 2021 by former Alderperson Kyle Lobner (District 13) in response to the display of campaign signs for current Alderperson Sheri […]

Utilities Committee Meeting 07/13/2021 – Will Appoint An Environmental Improvement Fund Representative And Vote On Bulky Overflow Collection Changes

The Utilities Committee is meeting 07/13/2021 at 5pm. They have a pretty light agenda with just two action items on it. They will be voting on appointing the city’s Finance Director as the authorized representative for the Environmental Improvement Fund. This will allow him to […]