Coronavirus Numbers For 07/04/2021

As of 10:17PM last night, coronavirus numbers for 07/04/2021 had not been posted. It looks like they have finally been posted sometime since then, so, in order to avoid confusion, I deleted the old post I made about those numbers.

Over the days of 07/02-07/04 Appleton recorded 5 confirmed coronavirus cases and 0 probable cases. Active cases rose by 5 to 9. Cases out of isolation remained unchanged at 8,784. Deaths remained unchanged at 65.

Our weekly total of cases for the last seven days was 9 confirmed and 1 probable, for a combined total of 10 cases.

The prior week had 1 confirmed and 4 probable for a combined total of 5.
This makes our 2 week burden work out to 20 when including both confirmed and probable cases or 13 if calculated using only confirmed cases. That places Appleton in the “Moderate” risk category of more than 10 but fewer than 50 cases.

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