The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 06/28/2021 at 6PM.
In person public appearances are still suspended. Parents are only allowed to view the meeting remotely and make public comment either via email or Zoom.
The main item of interest on this agenda is the review of the public feedback the Board received regarding the proposal to rename Lincoln Elementary to Ronald C. Dunlap Elementary – Home of the Lincoln Lions and then the vote on that proposal.

The feedback from the 1,122 respondents seem to be almost evenly divided between those who strongly or very strongly want to retain the current name (47%) and those that strongly or very strongly want to rename it (47%). If separating out those who feel most strongly, those results change to 45% strongly wanting to retain the name Lincoln Elementary and 43% wanting to rename it after Ronald Dunlap.

Support for the renaming is strongest among the 158 respondents who live in the Lincoln Elementary school boundaries (54% in favor of renaming vs 34% in favor of retaining the original name). The survey results do not break out what the response results were outside of the Lincoln School boundaries. [Given that the aggregate results and the Lincoln area results are both given, I think it would have been interesting to also see the results for the 964 respondents in the wider Appleton community. It would also be interesting to see the results broken out by the community member, student, staff member, parent, etc. categories.]

As I previously posted, they will be reviewing the 2nd semester high school grades. 1 in 4 high school students failed at least one second semester class.
The Board will also be saying goodbye to Retiring Assistant Superintendents Ben Vogel (High School Level) and James Huggins (Middle School Level)
View full meeting details here:
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