Alderperson Brad Firkus’ Invocation At 06/16/2021 Common Council Meeting – “We’re gonna be offered a lot of opportunities of making choices of how we want to engage with our community and with our fellow Appletonians. We can choose to engage in ways that help each other, that can make ourselves feel better, and can make our community a much more enjoyable place to be a part of.”

Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) delivered the invocation at the 06/16/2021 Common Council meeting.

Mayor Woodford: “Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Firkus.”

Alderperson Firkus: Thank you. I’m just gonna start tonight with a little story. A couple weeks back, I had bought a grill and I was trying to get it into my car and I’m not as young or as strong as I used to be, and this grill was kind of big. With the packaging and everything, it was probably like 200 pounds. And I’m struggling to get this into the back of my car. A guy walked by who was going back to his own vehicle and saw me really having a time with this thing, and he’s like, ‘Hey, you need a hand?” and I was like, ‘Sure, I’m not gonna get this in anytime soon so I’ll gladly take the help.’ The guy was probably about my build and maybe about 20 years older than I am, but he still decided to make the choice to help me out anyways. He had no reward to come from that choice, except for maybe the good feeling you get from helping someone, and I was able to get a grill home without needing an ice bag on my back afterwards. As we start to engage with our community a little bit more now that the pandemic is starting to recede and more people are venturing out and trying to be in their community a little bit more, we’re gonna be offered a lot of opportunities of making choices of how we want to engage with our community and with our fellow Appletonians. We can choose to engage in ways that help each other, that can make ourselves feel better, and can make our community a much more enjoyable place to be a part of. And hopefully as we get out there a little bit more, everyone, and reintroduce ourselves with our neighbors and our friends, we take that opportunity to pursue the things that make our community better and stronger and more enjoyable for everyone. Thank you.

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