The Human Resources And Information Technology Committee is meeting 06/09/2021.
They will be voting on changes to the Department of Public Works table of organization. It looks like the department wants to eliminate the Inventory Clerk position and make everyone either an Operator I or Operator II. Per the memo, “The Department can absorb these costs within the existing 2021 budgets due to vacant salary dollars.”
There is also an information item that Public Health Nurse Supervisor Sonja Jensen will be working as Interim Public Health Officer until a permanent replacement for now retired Kurt Eggebrecht can be hired.

Another information item is that the City of Appleton has reached an agreement with the union drivers at Valley Transit to allow drivers to have one additional week of vacation deposited into their Post Employment Health Plan or Health Savings Account. This seems to be a way of sweetening things for the drivers since Valley Transit is having a difficult time filling vacant positions. This agreement is, thus far, only in place through the end of 2021.

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