Utilities Committee Meeting 06/08/2021

The Utilities Committee is meeting 06/08/2021 at 5PM

The main action item is voting on an ordinance change that will “clarify under what circumstances triple valving will be required for new and redeveloped commercial properties.” Per the memo, this appears to apply to commercial properties so would not affect residential homeowners.

They will also be reviewing the Electronic Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (eCMAR) for 2020 and voting on a resolution to accept the eCMAR report. The City scored an A in all categories.

Finally, they will be reviewing the Public Works proposed operational changes regarding leaf and bulky overflow collection and snow removal that were also reviewed at the Municipal Services Committee meeting.

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=860967&GUID=2FE42C3E-079C-4777-BC67-498BD9E10188&Options=info|&Search=

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