On 05/24/2021 Appleton recorded 3 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 1 new probable case. Active cases dropped by 8 to 91. Cases out of isolation increased by 12 to 8,645. Deaths remained unchanged at 65.
Day: May 25, 2021
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/26/2021
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/26/2021 at 5:30PM. Most of the items on the agenda are alcohol license applications. Appleton Downtown, Inc has an application for a temporary Class B Bear and Class B Wine License to go along with their Thursday evenings […]
Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 05/26/2021
The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 05/26/2021. They have a couple time-sensitive items on their agenda. The first is a request to approve a 6 month extension to the city’s Planning Option Agreement with Merge, LLC. Merge has been working on potentially developing […]
City Plan Commission Meeting 05/26/2021
The City Plan Commission is meeting 05/26/2021 at 3:30 PM. It looks like a very light meeting. The one action item on the agenda is a “request to approve the first addition to Broadway Hills Estates final plat.” View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=858704&GUID=08B3D08C-181B-4430-A8D3-0EBEAB953D7C&Options=info|&Search=
Pictures Of College Avenue Decorated Planters From “Garden Art” Event
Appleton Downtown, Inc held their Garden Art event May 21-23. Different people/groups got to decorate the planters along College Avenue. Here are pictures of those planters.