Sergeant Chue Thao Accepts 2020 APD Officer Of The Year Award

During the Common Council meeting on 05/19/2021, Appleton Police Chief Todd Thomas presented the 202 APD Officer of the Year Award.

He explained that the prior week had been Police Week. They weren’t able to have a lot of the outdoor events they usually have, but they were able to have an honor ceremony and give out awards to officers and civilians for the first time in the two years. They had to skip last year’s ceremony due to Covid. They gave out Distinguished Service awards, Medals of valor, Life Saving awards, and finally the Officer of the Year award. The Officer of the Year award is voted on by employees, and nominations come from coworkers not from the command staff. In 2019 they had two Officers of the Year–Sergeant Christopher Biese and Paul Christensen, the two officers who were at the Valley Transit Center during the shooting which claimed firefighter Mitch Lundgaard’s life.

The 2020 Officer of the Year went to Sergeant Chue Thao, somebody everyone looks up to. Chue Thao was born in Laos during the Vietnam War. His father died shortly after he was born so he was raised by his uncle. He came to the US when he was 10, starting in Chicago before he eventually made his way up to the Fox Cities. He attended Appleton schools and got his bachelor’s degree. He celebrated his 25th anniversary at the APD.

He is one of their lead investigators and Chief Thomas said he didn’t even try to get Sergeant Thao to put in for a supervisor’s position because he was told many chiefs had tried that before him and failed. That’s not where Sergeant Thao’s passion is. His passion is working with victims. In 2020 he handled a lot of major cases including the Zyana Corbin homicide case, 10 other homicide/death investigations, and several armed robberies. But that was not why his colleagues chose him for the award. They chose him because it didn’t matter if you were a victim or a suspect, Sergeant Thao always treats people the same way, with respect, dignity, and honor. He was one of the most humble people Chief Thomas ever met and also one of the wisest. Chief Thomas was proud to present him the officer of the year award for 2020.

Sergeant Thao gave an acceptance speech. “It looks like the Chief said everything already so I don’t–there’s no need for me to say…but I do have a little remarks, a little speech that I want to share. Mainly from the bottom of my heart. So I know that you have important  business to attend tonight. So I’m gonna go straight to what I’d like to share. First I want to thank the mayor, city council members, city officials, and the chief for this opportunity to share a couple words. I actually had prepared a lengthy speech but good thing I asked the chief’s secretary and I have reduced it down to maybe two minutes or so. I know tonight you have important things to attend to as well. But I want to say that twenty-five years ago I walked in the doors of the Appleton Police Department with much anxiety and [indecipherable]. I was young, naive, but with big dreams and ideas to impact lives–to make a difference and contribute to the health and safety of the residents in Appleton and guests to our city. I can say that a quarter of a century later I’m grown a lot older, maybe a bit wiser, but still believe in that big dreams and ideas and changing lives, making a difference. It is in that belief that I hope I have impacted lives and contributed to the wellbeing of our residents, guests, and the good health and safety of our city. The truth is my family and I have been abundantly blessed. We are grateful for all that the city has provided for my family. I have found my purpose in policing which is in investigations. In addition to the privilege of listening to people’s pains or sufferings and the opportunity to listen and talk to those who wishes to do harm to others, policing have given me great memories, appreciation of life, and the opportunity to see many places and meet different people. This past 25 years of service has confirmed that Appleton is my home. Wisconsin is my state. This United States of America is my country. For a refugee kid who is born in the jungle of Laos at the end of the Vietnam War, to end up standing in front of you all tonight and accepting this award is a singular honor. This award, however, is the culmination of work done by every member of the Appleton police men, CSO who direct traffic, clerical, other officers, supervisor, and other detective who either had lend their hands or hearts in helping me to become a better person through the years. For that I accept this award on behalf–on their behalf as well. Thank you, and may God continue to bless the city and us all.”

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