Update On The Lincoln Renaming Process

I checked in with AASD on exactly what the process and timeline will be for gathering public input regarding the proposed Lincoln Elementary name change. Per Clara Kopplinger…

[T]he Business Services Committee will be meeting this Friday, May 14, at 12:30 PM to create a survey process and parameters. Assuming the committee approves a process during that meeting, the proposal will then go to the full board at the regular meeting on May 24, 2021. If the board approves the proposed process, the survey will be released after that date (the exact timeline for the survey will depend on the process that is approved).

The board, of course, retains the right to modify or deny any proposed process. So, the process recommended by the Business Services Committee may not be the exact process that will be employed.

If you want to provide feedback or suggestions on the process you can email the Board of Education members here: AASDBoard@aasd.k12.wi.us

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